How Long do Fillings Last?

Did you recently learn that you need to have one of your existing dental fillings changed out with a new one? Are you starting to see a dark colour or experience sensitivity around a filling that’s never given you problems before?
It’s common for dental fillings to eventually need to be replaced, but our Wantrina South dentists want you to get as much use out of them as possible. How long can you expect a new filling to last?
Here are a few factors that you’ll need to consider:
Your Oral Health Habits
If you’re not that great about brushing or flossing, recurrent decay can develop around the margins of your existing filling, as bacteria seeps into the edges.
The Size and Location of Your Filling
Some fillings may have a more difficult time staying put, such as restorations on the edges of teeth. Large fillings may be more susceptible to fracturing, requiring a crown. These factors are unique to your individual needs, so it’s best to ask for input from our Wantrina South dentists before moving forward with treatment.
Grinding or Clenching Habits
Do you have a tendency to clench or grind your teeth when you sleep or focus on work? Fillings don’t flex the same way tooth enamel does, and the pressure may cause it to break.
The Age of Your Filling
The older your filling is, the more likely it is to start leaking over time. That’s why regular checkups with our Wantrina South dentists are important. We’ll help you to pinpoint fillings that need to be replaced before you experience a broken or sensitive tooth.
While the lifespan of a filling can significantly differ from one person to the next, it’s not uncommon for most to last anywhere from 5-20 years. Schedule an exam at Studfield Dental Group for honest family care that puts your smile first.