Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

Gum disease is a broadly used term that describes infection in the gingiva (gums) around your teeth. Mild cases start out as gingivitis, but if the inflammation and bacterial levels aren’t addressed, it can bridge into moderate to severe periodontal disease (periodontitis.)
Why does any of this matter? Because periodontitis is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss.
Know the Signs
The best way to prevent gum disease and stop it early is to know what symptoms to look for. In general, gingivitis will start to cause complications such as:
• Mild swelling
• Possible redness along the gumlines
• Bleeding when you floss
Once gum disease has set in and gingivitis expands deeper into your gum tissues (and the bone surrounding your teeth,) you will start to see other symptoms like:
• Receding gumlines (“long teeth”)
• Moderate to severe swelling
• Bleeding when you brush your teeth
• Bad breath
• Tooth mobility
• Visible tartar build-up across the teeth
Get Screened Early
Earlier diagnosis of gum disease makes it possible to treat periodontitis in a more effective manner. Our Wantrina South dentists will measure the soft tissue attachment levels around your teeth, including bone height on your dental x-rays.
By scheduling a preventive cleaning every six months, we can carefully monitor signs of periodontitis and offer soft tissue therapy when necessary. These simple steps eliminate the need for more aggressive treatments or surgeries later on.
What About Genetic Risk Factors?
Some people are more apt to develop gum disease because it runs in their family. Some scientists believe that there are genetic factors that predispose certain individuals to developing gum infections.
If your parents suffered from periodontitis, it’s best to see our Wantrina South dentists at least every six months. Call Studfield Dental Group today to schedule!