Treating TMJ Disorder With Non-Surgical Options

TMJ Disorder is a painful condition that affects the hinges of your jaws, essentially impacting your ability to talk and eat, as well as leading to physical symptoms in other areas of your body such as headaches, earaches and soreness along your neck and shoulders. This disorder is usually caused by teeth that are misaligned, leading to uneven pressure and strain distributed across your bite.
Do I need surgery to fix it?
It’s only in the most severe cases that you will need to undergo surgery to correct this problem. There are several non-surgical options with proven success rates that can be tried before this. One of the most popular treatments is the use of a splint/ mouthguard. This is a fitted acrylic appliance that helps keep your jaw in a relaxed position. Mostly worn at night, it prevents your jaws from straining or clenching. You can get your custom-fitted mouthguard at Studfield Dental Group- this is better than opting for over-the-counter mouthguards that might not fit your individual smile perfectly.
Managing TMJ Pain
Using neuromuscular dentistry, patients can first benefit from a gentle massage of the muscles that will increase blood flow and provide pain relief, helping them relax. In order to develop a more long-term solution, you can consider orthodontics in order to fix a misaligned bite if that is the underlying cause for your TMJ condition. Injectables are also another popular method used for TMJ pain relief. By using Botox, this muscle relaxant is placed directly in the jaw muscle, helping to relieve it of any tension for months at a time.
Our dental team at SDG is prepared to root out the underlying cause for your TMJ disorder and help determine a long-term solution that works for you! Simply call today to schedule your appointment.