What To Do If You Chip A Tooth

Whether you got into an accident or bit down too hard on something, if you chipped a tooth, you’ll need to know how to react fast. At Studfield Dental Group, we can help you with any dental emergency with ease, but here are some important steps you need to follow before reaching our practice:
Stop the bleeding
Oral injuries can cause quite a bit of bleeding. You first step will be to stop the bleeding by applying pressure. You can do this by applying a clean washcloth to the area. If the bleeding doesn’t stop we recommend giving our emergency dentist a call.
Locate any fragments
This may not always be a viable option, but if possible, do search for the fragments! It might be possible to bond the piece back in place depending on how severe the fracture is. If you find it, make sure to put it in a cup of milk to keep it from drying out.
Apply a cool compress
Applying a cool compress to the side of your face will help reduce any swelling and pain. You can also take an anti-inflammatory to help with the pain.
Head to our practice!
The sooner you’re able to reach us, the better chance we have of repairing your tooth! We are well-equipped to handle your dental emergencies so give us a call and we’ll be ready for your arrival! If it isn’t possible to bond the tooth fragment in place, we’ll outline the treatment options available.
Call Studfield Dental Group for all your dental emergencies! With our expert dentists and state-of-the-art facilities, you’re in the safest hands available!