Your Guide to Managing Tooth Sensitivity

Do you experience sharp pains or discomfort in your mouth when eating, drinking or brushing your teeth? If the answer is yes, you could be dealing with tooth sensitivity, a common dental condition faced by many people. 

Tooth sensitivity typically occurs when the outer layer of your teeth (also called the tooth enamel) is worn down. This outer layer is what provides protection to your teeth. So, when the enamel is worn away, it exposes the inner layer of your teeth called the dentin, which is extremely sensitive to direct contact with outer stimuli. 

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

While there are several factors that can cause tooth sensitivity, the most common causes of tooth sensitivity are: 

  • Tooth erosion due to regular exposure to sugar and acids from foods and drinks
  • Gum recession that leaves the tooth roots exposed
  • Teeth grinding or clenching, which can wear down the enamel
  • Tooth decay or cavities that can irritate the nerves

If you experience continued tooth sensitivity, we recommend booking an appointment with Studfield Dental Group so we can root out the cause and come up with a treatment plan. 

How Can I Fix My Sensitive Teeth?

Tooth sensitivity can come and go. But if left untreated, the underlying issue causing sensitivity can worsen, leading to extreme discomfort and pain. There are certain steps you can try at home to manage your sensitive teeth but we always recommend visiting your dentist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. It will help identify the underlying issue and prevent the condition from recurring.  

Brush & Floss Your Teeth Properly 

As always, maintaining proper oral hygiene is important to keep your teeth in good condition. For that reason, you need an oral hygiene routine that involves daily brushing and flossing. We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and brushing your teeth in gentle, circular motions. This will help avoid damage to the enamel and irritation of your gums. Make sure not to overbrush your teeth or apply too much pressure on your gums. 

Use a Desensitising Toothpaste 

Desensitising toothpastes are toothpastes are specifically made to treat conditions like sensitive teeth. With active ingredients that help reduce sensitivity, these toothpastes work in two main ways. They either soothe the nerve endings in the tooth or create a barrier over the exposed dentine.  

Dietary Changes 

What you eat and drink has a significant impact on tooth sensitivity. So, in order to manage your sensitivity, it is important to limit or avoid the intake of such foods and drinks. Following a healthy, well-balanced diet will not only help with tooth sensitivity but also keep your teeth in good condition.

Wear a Mouthguard at Night 

Grinding and clenching your teeth can wear down the tooth’s enamel, causing tooth sensitivity. To prevent this, we recommend wearing a mouthguard to protect your teeth. This will help you avoid sensitivity and other painful dental conditions like TMJ disorder. 

Visit Your Dentist

It’s always best to consult your dentist to identify the cause of your sensitivity. When you visit us for your consultation, our dentist can assess your teeth and understand your oral hygiene and dietary habits. Once the cause is diagnosed, our dentist will be able to come up with the necessary treatment plan to address the condition. 

For example, suppose the sensitivity you are experiencing is a result of tooth decay. In that case, your dentist may recommend a dental filling to cover the exposed area after a professional scale and clean. If gum recession is causing sensitivity, a gum grafting procedure may be recommended to cover the roots and protect your teeth. Treatment could even involve placing a covering filled with fluoride to strengthen the enamel. Depending on the cause of sensitivity and the severity of your case, our dentist will provide an appropriate and effective treatment plan. 

Maintaining a healthy diet, practising good oral hygiene habits, and visiting your dentist can go a long way in keeping your teeth free of sensitivity. At Studfield Dental Group, our skilled and friendly team will help identify the cause of sensitivity and provide you with personalised treatment plans to make sure you can enjoy all your favourite foods and drinks without pain. Don’t wait – schedule an appointment today!